
Discord Bot

A Discord bot to chat with, create music and custom art with text prompts! All powered by AI.

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Powered by AI!

Arti has a free and paid tier through Patreon. We use GPT-3, several image generation algorithms, and riffusion for music. Unfortunately we require a lot of GPU power which costs us lots of money. Please be kind when using our bot :)

Powered by AI



Arti will provide a list of useful commands for you to use.


Ask Arti a question, or maybe a story prompt?


Arti will generate an image from a custom text prompt using a standard StableDiffusion model.


Arti will generate a unique Pokemon image from a custom text prompt.


Arti will generate a unique Waifu image from a custom text prompt.


Arti will generate an image from a custom text prompt with an additional dropdown to select an artist style.


Arti will generate an image from a custom text prompt using Google's AI.


Arti will generate a clip of music from a custom text prompt.


Arti will generate an image from a custom text prompt using the latest AI model.


Arti will generate an image from a custom text prompt using an older model.

© 2022 Arti